D&d stat block
D&d stat block

d&d stat block d&d stat block

You ask for a snack/restroom break and furiously begin workshopping a boss monster. Either through a hole in the plot you forgot, a tricky spell like Wish, or just because you forgot to bring your fancy map you spent all last night drawing up they are now way ahead of schedule and about to fight Meepo, the most scary and terrifying kobold ever to pull itself out of Kobold-dom. This is a battle to the death, the hardest battle they have ever fought and all you have to do is create your BBEG between now and the next session… except the party cheated. So your players have done it despite your elaborate planning to kill them, the deadly traps you set and the cursed items you peppered throughout, they have finally arrived at the BBEG… The feared and all-powerful kobold leader simply known as… Meepo. This post is going to focus on how you can turn a weak monster into a quick and dirty boss.

d&d stat block

This is the third part of a multipart series, the first part, Hitting Your Players, explores how you can hit your high AC/Level players, the second part, Monster Longevity, is how you can use the tools in the Monster Manual to help your monsters live longer.

D&d stat block